110NOK’Y.LTD is a company which carries multiple brands under its umbrella - ranging from unisex casual wear to high-end custom apparel. It was created on January10th, 2010 in Tokyo.
The Four brands under 110NOK’Y are: YUK VAIN, YUKIKO NISHII, SOME LOVE NIBBLES and the stuff animal brand RUKA.KUMA.
The Four brands under 110NOK’Y are: YUK VAIN, YUKIKO NISHII, SOME LOVE NIBBLES and the stuff animal brand RUKA.KUMA.
YUK VAIN is a high-end brand designing exclusively men’s jackets and coats. The inspiration comes from a wide range of deconstructed and distressed urban structures, natural elements and unusual fibers. YUK is wearable art.
YUKIKO NISHII is a men’s brand for commission projects and other custom clothing.